Making Yourself Essential in a World Pandemic

With the onset of the Coronavirus, many employers and employees found themselves having to make difficult decisions.  Whether it was going to work as an essential worker and potentially being exposed to the virus, or as an employer trying to decide which potential employees may need to be furloughed, the Coronavirus has certainly made us all think differently about our culture.


Prior to the virus, many companies had large offices with many employees working side-by-side throughout the day.  Employers suddenly had to change the environment by allowing employees who could work remote do so from their home.   The challenge has become how do we all stay connected in a work environment that sometimes no longer allows for seeing one another face-to-face.  Following are a few tips:


1)     Be adaptable!  While some of us may be extroverts now forced to work in a “video chat” environment, we can still be connected by sharing our time with others through video conferences etc.


2)     Be open to new duties!  So, you may not have the job duties, see if there are more things you can do to help your employer.  Asking to assist your Supervisor with other duties may make you not only adaptable it also helps you learn more about your company.



3)     Stay positive! With so much negative news available, it is important that we stay focused on the positives during these times.  More time with our families, potential cultural shifts within companies for the greater good, and an opportunity re-prioritize our roles.


At the end of the day, it is all about perspective.  Focusing on adapting to the changes, being flexible and open to new duties, and staying in a positive mindset are vital!  Being able to change our view-points will ensure that we are grounded in these uncertain times.

Kelly Horton